The Power of Regenerative

Regenerative is a movement. It's beyond sustainable, literally. With regenerative practices, we don't simply sustain the earth, we regenerate and improve it, from soil health, carbon sequestration, and animal welfare, to health and nutrition, biodiversity, and more. How? 

Regenerative Agriculture is farming with nature, not against it. It means getting animals out of feedlots and back on the land. It means ditching chemicals and embracing biodiversity. It means resilient farms and a healthy planet.

The key is the focus on the earth. Regenerative farmers build healthy soil with simple concepts like seasonal grazing, biodiversity, and NO harmful chemicals. 

Grazing animals rotate through grasslands, as they once did naturally to avoid predators, providing the grazed lands time and fertilizer to regenerate. Plants grow back stronger, pulling carbon into the soil, which becomes richer, holding more water. With better water retention, less runoff, and improved hydrology, farms get a powerful boost of resiliency against floods, droughts, and fires, which also means less dependency on government subsidies and insurance. 

No more misguided destruction from industrial practices.  No more chemicals, which damage microorganisms that are critical to soil health. Instead, with increased biodiversity, nature takes over: little bugs eat smaller bugs, the ecosystem balances, and there is no need for pesticides.

It’s hard to overstate how powerful this shift back to regeneration is. The carbon sequestration potential alone is eye-opening. But the real power of regeneration is the power to heal the earth using nature, not fighting nature.